Tuesday, 19 April 2011

A new sense of freedom...

This is brilliant, I looked at my blog demographics (how boring) and nobody reads this, so that means I can write anything I like!  How incredibly cool is that.  A blog on blogger is like an unknown flea on an incredibly hairy Great Dane, there is an ocean of people expressing themselves with the written word and absolutely nobody reading it!  It's complete freedom of speech!
I was posting my blogs on blogger in the hope that someone may read it and go "Wow!  That's the most interesting and incredible thing I have ever read, lets give her a big bag of cash and publish all of her books, she's amazing!" so I was trying to be interesting, which takes effort, but now I know nobody reads this I don't need to make any effort whatsoever.  That works for me as I am incredibly lazy.  It's like buying a lottery ticket.  You buy a lottery ticket hoping that you can spend £1 and get a £1,000,000 in return with absolutely no effort or hard work, the lottery is the epitome of being lazy.
It's 9.10am and I am sat here in my dressing gown thinking I should have had a shower by now, but instead all I have done is feed my goose and ducks and now i'm watching the news out of the corner of my eye with a cuppa.  There's nothing going on in the world today except the Royal Wedding and a remake of Arthur.  I probably would have watched the royal wedding, but i'm going to a little folk festival instead and the likelihood of me watching the new Arthur film is incredibly low so none of it is news to me.
I should also be packing, probably, but I know I can do it all in a day so i'm not fretting.  I'm moving all my stuff into storage next week and going off in a motorhome around cornwall with my boyfriend.  I think I may spend the day thinking about packing rather than actually packing, as i'm lazy, and I will do something else instead.
I've started writing a new novel, but i've just thought of something amazing and new to put in it, it's a make believe hippo who likes wearing stripey jumpers.  He's called Henry and he's going to pop up all during the novel, there may also be a turtle.  I'm going to write it as we go around Cornwall, it's summer so I can sit outside.
I'm going to put my paint brushes down for 6 months whilst I work on my new business www.easelchallenge.co.uk so that should be interesting.  The website isn't finished yet, but it wont take too long if I pull my finger out, i've only got to do one page.
I dont' play the lottery so i'm not going to win, I suppose I will just have to work very hard, which is a daunting prospect for a lazy person.

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