Thursday, 10 February 2011

My Philosophy

To thine own self be true – Willy Shakespeare (Playwright)

The most important thing in the world, ever, is to be yourself.

You are the only person who will ever really truly know you

You are the only person who you can ever really truly trust

You are the only person who can ever really truly help you

You are the only person who can even really truly save you

So it’s important to care about yourself, love yourself and be happy with yourself, because when the end finally does comes, which it will for us all, you will be alone, you are the only person you can take with you, and no matter where you are, heaven or hell, everyone needs to be loved and the only person who can honestly ever really truly love you for all that you are is you.

Life is short and if you want to cover yourself in tattoos, then do it

If you want to pierce every single inch of your body, then just go ahead

but, if you choose not to ever have a tattoo or get pierced, well that’s fine too

It’s your body therefore it’s your choice, as long as you are happy and you are true to yourself, then it is no-one elses business

Stacey Clarke 2011

The harder you try the luckier you get – Gary Player (Golfer)

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