I'm an so incredibly happy today, I learnt something which has changed everything for me in my artistic life. For many years I have thought that I wasn't good enough as an artist to ever succeed as I always see these paintings which are perfect and look like photographs. No matter how hard I tried I was unable to produce a painting that was as good and as lifelike as theirs were. I very nearly gave up on my skill and threw the towel in, but last night I learnt something fantastic!
You know those amazing paintings that look like photographs, well they look like photographs as they ARE photographs! Never has the phrase "if it looks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, then it's a duck" been so true. The 'people' (I wont call them artists as they are not artists) take a photograph, upload it onto their computer, then using a special computer program they alter the image to make it look like a painting, then they print the final picture on canvas and add a few wet strokes of paint to make it look authentic. At first this annoyed me as these people are taking money from my pocket, but now it has made me very happy as the biggest competition I had has disappeared. Don't get me wrong, I knew these computer programs existed, but I just didn't understand why people would use them, and as I am not a grand chess master I don't need to compete against a computer. These people are to art what X-factor is to music. They are artists of sorts though, they are con artists.
With this in mind I am now putting together my new art portfolio to show art dealers and I feel so proud of my achievements and confident inside that I could spontaneously combust. A lot about being a successful artist is about self-promotion, and for love or money I could not self-promote myself before as I didn't believe in my work, but now I have learnt the truth about those other artists I can self-promote until the cows come home, through the night and until they wake up in the morning to start their new day.
Knowledge is power and this new insight I have been given has given me a new lease of life, it is like a big heavy weight as been lifted off of my shoulders.
Thanks mum